Cupertino High School
Cross Country and Track & Field 

Home of the Pioneers
last updated 8/9/19
Coach Paul Armstrong

Icing is an effective way to treat a number of injuries including sprains, pulls, bruises and
 Ice baths are very effective for leg fatigue/soreness or when you have back-to-back
meets an need to increase
your bodies recuperative powers.

    a) bag - A bag of ice, or frozen peas or corn may be placed on the injured area. 
        Do not leave it on for more than 20 minutes.  You should leave the bag off for
        20 minutes, then repeat the process.  You can do this cycle up to 3 times a
        session.  If you use frozen corn or peas, do not let the vegetables thaw or they
        will spoil.  Do not place thawed food back in the freezer.

    b) massage - An ice massage may be done by freezing water in a dixie cup,
        than peeling back from the top to expose the ice.  Rub the bare ice on the area
        -ice to skin- for no more than 5 minutes.  Keep the ice moving.   After 5 minutes,
        you should wait 20 minutes before repeating the process.  You can do this cycle
        up to 3 times a session. 

    c) bath - In order to do an ice bath, you should fill (enough to fully cover your legs)
         a bath tub with cold water near full.  
Then put ice in the water.  You will need lots
         of it.  The temperature should be 50 to 
55 degrees to be most effective.  Taking a
         cold shower will not come close to the
value of an ice bath.  Stay in the bath as long
         as you can stand; up to 15 minutes.  
The first couple of times you may only last a
         minute of two.


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