The progression is as follows:
League Trials and/or Finals>SCVAL Qualifier>>CCS
Semis>>>CCS Final>>>>State
Everyone who participates in the Trials and Finals of the League is
eligible for the SCVAL qualifier on May 11.
You must have a mark that is one of the top 16 in the Combined SCVAL.
The mark can be made in the Trials
or the Finals and you may be F/S or Girls JV.
The top 5 boys and the top 6 girls in each event at the SCVAL Qualifier
will progress to the CCS Semi on May 18
at SJCC. A brand new fast track.
The best 9 marks will progress from the Semis to the CCS Final on May 24 at SJCC.
The top 3 marks will qualify for the State meet in Cerritos on May 31-
June 1.