Cupertino High School Track and Field 2006
Home of the Pioneers
Page last updated 1/22/06

All athletes that I coach are required to sign a pro-active athlete/parent/coach contract.  This will help keep the parents informed if there are any areas of concern, and show a level of commitment by the athlete to achieve the highest level of academic progress, athletic skill, and citizenship.

The Athletic Director will perform grade checks on the normal six-week cycle.  Any athlete falling below a 2.0 may be suspended from the team.  I may monitor the grades of the suspended athlete via weekly progress reports.  The athlete will be directed to get help, tutoring or study session.  The athlete will not be able to compete until the next grading period.  If the athlete fails to improve by the next grading period, he or she will be dismissed from the team because maintaining your grades supersedes participating in extra-curricular activities,

If any athlete has to miss practice due to illness or family obligation, I must be notified prior to practice when possible.  Any other reason for missing practice should be discussed with me beforehand.  (See contact information below).  The first unexcused absence may result in a telephone call home to a parent.  The second unexcused absence may result in a meeting with me, and a call home.  The third unexcused absence will result in a one meet suspension, no matter when or what the next meet is, and a call home.  Any future unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the team.  You cannot improve if you are not at practice consistently. 

Team members are not allowed to participate in outside races, meets, or practices.  Unless specific permission or direction has been given, there will be no training on Sundays.  Team members cannot train with friends, family members, etc.  The control and monitoring of the training program is a key component in injury prevention and consistent progress.

During the track season, outside coaching is not allowed unless there is some extraordinary circumstance.  Also, participating in outside races or meets is not allowed.  The training for the season is planned out in advance and tweaked during the season as conditions change.  If someone is participating in another sport, the coaches will not cut back the training for track and field.
Any athlete wishing to compete on one of the relay teams should understand that the coaching staff will decide who runs and the position in which they run and that it may be changed, adjusted, and/or altered right up to race time.  The best interest of the team is the highest priority.  The coaching staff will determine what events the athlete will compete in.  Decisions can be discussed if there is time.  However once the decision is made, it is final.  If you are going to compete for the team, you must put the team ahead of you, the individual.

Dual meets are mandatory.  Invitational meets are a privilege and are optional.  There is an entry fee for invitationals and most have qualifying standards.  Everyone may not get a chance to participate in an invitational.  The coaching staff will decide whom to enter in these meets.  Once you are selected to compete in an invitational, you will have a short period of time to decline.  After that time, you have an obligation to attend the meet and perform to expectations. Failure to compete may result in suspension or termination from the team.

Your child spends a lot of time and hard work at practice preparing to compete at our meets.  Please support their efforts whenever you can.  I encourage parents to attend our meets.  I beg you to attend at least one during the year.  We need drivers to transport the team to and from meets since the school does not provide buses.  You can also help by providing well-balanced meals for your athlete, a suitable environment to study,  the equipment that is needed to participate, and by enabling your student/athlete to develop and maintain good time management. 

If an issue arises during the course of the season, I expect to be informed of the problem and allowed to offer a remedy if necessary.  There are a number of guidelines and rules that have been created to provide a framework for a successful season. 
Please read over this sheet.  Both athlete and parent/guardian must sign.  I look forward to providing my student/athletes with the best coaching I can provide as well as an informative and a great athletic experience.  If you have any concerns or questions about this document, do not hesitate to contact me.

_______________________________________          ______________________________________
(athlete)                                                                             (parent/guardian)
                Go Tino Pioneers,
                Head Coach Paul Armstrong
                cell (408)691-3022 or

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