Cupertino High School Track and Field 2007
Home of the Pioneers
Coach Paul Armstrong

Meet Recap

  Your meet recap email should include at minimum the following points:

1.  Rate your performance.  Use 1-10, with 10 being the best.
2 . Explain the rating.
3.  List any injuries and/or physical problems.
4.  List any mental and emotional problems.
5.  List any environmental factors that influenced your event(s) - good or bad.
6.  Briefly describe your performance in each event.
7.  List any marks and splits.  This is important if you did not finish in the top three.
8. How do you feel about your performances?
Optional items:
9.  What can you do to improve?
10.  What can the coach do to help you improve?
11. Explain in detail all phases of your races, jumps, or throws.
If you do not do your meet recap, you will not be allowed to compete in invitationals.

This page last updated: 2/11/07
     webpage by PLA