Cupertino High School Track and Field 2007
Home of the Pioneers
Head Coach Paul Armstrong

Pre-season Meeting - Agenda (January 5 & 16)

Meets: Discussed the schedule - overview.
Practice: Basic practice schedule is Monday through Friday, 3:15-6:00 PM,  Saturday, 7AM Rancho and 10 AM CHS.  All practices are mandatory unless excused beforehand.  If you have a scheduling problem, you must talk to Coach Armstrong.
Equipment: See equipment list under info on the web site. We will discus during practices.
Fundraisers: It is anticipated that we may not have any fundraisers.
Transportation:  No busses are provided, so we rely upon students and parents to drive us to the meets.  Coaches can not provide transport.
Contracts:  The contracts will be handed out during the first week.  A parent and the student must sign.
Information Sheets:  The information sheets will be handed out during the first week.  It provides background information for the coaches about you.
Grades:  You must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.  All first semester reports cards must be seen by Coach Armstrong as well as the progress reports during the season.
Email:  You must have an email address or at least one where you can receive email regularly.
All-Comer Meets:  Participation at these meets are discouraged because it is a long season and no one is in meet fitness condition yet.
Uniform Rules:  The basic rules are that shirts tucked in and no visible (including your tongue) jewelry.
Physicals:  You must have medical clearance to participate and insurance.  Physical forms are available online. If you participated in a fall or winter sport, you should be OK.  Completed forms must be turned into Coach Armstrong.
Classes:  You must take 5 classes and maintain a 2.0 GPA to be eligible for competition.
Transfers:  If you have transferred to Cupertino this year, see Coach Armstrong.
Winter Sport Athletes:  If you are doing a winter sport, you need to let me know of your intention of trying out for track and you must report to practice within three days of the end of your season.

This page last updated:  1/5/07
webpage by PLA