Cupertino High School Track and Field 2007
Home of the Pioneers
Program Goals
Coach Paul Armstrong

Track and Field at Cupertino High School

The philosophy of the track and field team is to provide an environment for the student athlete to succeed.  Each student athlete on the team is given the best coaching that we can provide.  I consider the track and field team to be an extension of the classroom and a good part of the high school experience.  The following are a few of the many things the student athlete should receive by being a member of the team: taking responsibility as a member of the team, commitment to their goals and the team, care and feelings for their teammates, development of a healthy attitude about the sport, accepts rules as presented, and tries to become a leader on the team, in the classroom and in the school community.  We currently have a no cut philosophy for those who lack skill or athletic ability. Any student athlete who is willing to work and is open to growth and a teaching environment will be allowed to participate. Individual progress is a key component in our environment.

Track and Field at Cupertino High School should be a place for several types of athletes. First, we want our cross country runners to continue their progress with the faster and more intense pace of track. We are looking for fall and winter athletes who need competitive conditioning for their sport.  Field hockey,  football, volleyball, tennis, soccer, basketball, and wrestling participants can benefit greatly from participation in track and field. We are also looking for the person who had participated little in athletics before but has the desire to do well and the willingness to work patiently over several years.  The concepts we teach and the training we provide are easily transferable to other sports. 

Track and Field is a sport where a number of different skills are needed.  It is a sport where you can improve greatly over a period of time. Most of the good distance runners of the world today are over well 25 years of age, whereas in swimming, the swimmers of that age are generally long over the hill. Also, most track and field activities can continue well into old age.

Track and Field is a sport where everyone gets a chance to participate in meets. It is also a sport where the small student has as good a chance for success as does the larger participant. Track and Field is not an easy sport and perhaps "desire and dedication" plays a greater role than in any other sport; certainly size isn't critical.  We hope we can attract more people each year, as that has been one of our greatest problems --- team depth.  My goal for everyone on the team is to maximize their potential each year through goal setting, rigorous training, and consistent practice.

We normally practice Monday through Friday at Cupertino, and Saturday if there is no meet. 
We are forbidden to practice (coach and runners together) on Sundays.  Thus, I have imposed a mandatory rest day on Sundays.  I will not normally ask anyone to train on Sundays. Our basic training regime is varied. One day hard and the next day easy, as most high school runners are too young physically to train hard too many days in a row. Everyone needs a rest and a change of pace. Freshmen and sophomores may be taking a PE class in addition to their track training so they may get overly physically pushed.  It is expected that you will get dressed and out to practice quickly so that the entire team can practice together.

More information can be found at:
This page was last updated: 2/11/07
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