Cupertino High School
Track and
Field 2007
Home of the Pioneers
Head Coach Paul Armstrong
Basic Track Guidelines and Rules
1) Keep your GPA up. You are a "STUDENT - Athlete". You are a student first, an athlete second.
2) Practices are held everyday (Mon-Fri) after school from 3:15-6:00PM (sometimes longer). You are expected to attend ALL practices and meets unless you have worked it out with a coach PRIOR to that days workout. Be aware of this commitment before you decide to join the Track team. We will be training on Saturdays if there is no meet. The Saturday workouts are required. We train as a team.
o We realize that everyone has conflicts. In order to handle this, we want everyone's conflicts, written down on paper with your name, by March 1. After that date, they're unexcused absences unless discussed, in advance, with a coach. This applies to conflicts with practices and meets. Use the form for each conflict occurrence or type.
o DO NOT have your friends tell me that you won't be at practice. If it's important enough for you to miss practice, then YOU should tell me yourself.
3) Appropriate Behavior:
o No drugs, alcohol or tobacco. If caught, you're off the team for the rest of the season - don't take the chance.
o Excessive talking will not allow you to learn and focus on your training.
o No Foul Language or derogatory terms.
o Harassment is not allowed.
o Do not disrupt practice.4) Before - During - After Workouts.
o Hydrate!!.o Before and after ALL workouts we stretch (5-15 minutes).
o After all distance runs and before most hard intervals and races we stretch. Most of the time we will do STRIDES, SPRINTS, or BUILD-UPS.
o Before all meets we warm-up as group with jogging and stretching, then you may do your event specific preparation. Be sure to include strides and sprints.
5) Wear pants during the warm-up!!!
6) Health Cards, Emergency Forms and Driving Note.
o Complete and submit Health Cards & Emergency Forms in ASAP - no one races, or is in the Team Photo without them.
o Complete and submit Driving forms and/or get your parents to drive.
The forms can be found on the web site or obtained from Coach Armstrong.
7) Recruit - Get your friends out to join the team if you think they can stick with it.
8) Do NOT leave the meet site unless you have checked with a coach first. At dual meets, you are required to stay until the meet is over for a short team meeting.
9) Hydrate!!
10) During practices and meets, your focus should be on what we are doing. You are not allowed to hang out with your friends or family.
11) You are not allowed to participate in outside meets or practices during our season.
12) You must have an email id or have access to one where you can receive email.
13) Have fun.
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webpage by PLA