Cupertino High
School Cross Country 2008
of the Pioneers
Head Coach Paul Armstrong
Page last updated: 11/15/08
I was apprehensive about the season
as we lost some very good runners to gradutaion along with the
skrinking girls ranks.
However, having someone qualify for CCS is the minimum goal.
Having a team qualify for CCS is a better one. Having
someone at the state meet is the best.
8/18 (Mon)
Starts 8:00AM and 6:00PM
Cupertino HS
We started with a larger
count than last year, but too many did not run much during the
summer. Cross Country training starts on the first day of summer.
09/04 (Thu)
Lynbrook Center Meet
3:30 Lynbrook HS
I was generally
neutral about the overall performance and the meet confirmed how much
work we still need to do even though it was @ 104 degrees at the
start. The best finish was the VB in second place.
09/11 (Thu) FireBird Scrimmage
3:30 Fremont HS
We had a better overall finish than
Lynbrook with VB and JVB in 2nd, and the VG in 4th. We need to
move up in the pack.
(Sat) Chieftain
10:30 Toro Park, Salinas
I was disappointed in the VB
performance in that I thought we would have had some faster times and
not finish higher than 9th.
The VG were a bit of a
surprise in 7th without Christy finishing the race. The JVB
contiune to perform strongly finishing third.
09/18 (Thu)
Saratoga Scrimmage
3:30 Saratoga HS
This was a hard workout for us but
a fairly strong showing with the VB and VG 3rd, while the JVB were 2nd.
The FS team
continues to run in the back
third of the pack.
(Tue) Central Park Invitational
3:15 Central Park
On tired legs the VB finsihed 3rd , the VG were 5th, and the JVB were
4th. The VB are actually doing a little better and VG
are hanging tough even with
Kristin's DNF. The competition for the last spots on the
boys varsity remain in flux.
(Sat) Stanford Invitational
11:30 Stanford Golf Course
This was a tough day: very warm, slow grass course, and too many turns
with too many runners in each race.
10/02 (Tue) SCVAL Preview
3:15 Crystal Springs
The frosh boys ran pretty well for
their first time at Crystal. My expectations must have been too
high for the junior boys
because I was not pleased.
(Sat) Artichoke Invitational
1:00 Half Moon Bay
Middle of the pack all around.
(Sat) Crystal Springs(Serra) Invitational
9:00 Crystal Springs
The frosh boys run the race of the
day for us on a day of good racing. All five of them PR'ed big in
their second ever
look at the course. They
finished second to Bellarmine with 20+ runners. Of our 27
competitors, 9 did not have a PR, but 4 are
10/16 (Thu) Crystal Springs #1
3:15 Crystal Springs
Unfortunately, the competition was
sparse. But, we showed up. This was a pack run meet for us
as we finish our last
week of loading. It is always impressive to me to see our runners
running in a large pack toward the front of the race.
The frosh/soph finished 2nd, the VG were 3rd, and the VB were a
commanding 1st. Next week should be different.
(Sat) Monterey Bay Invitational
Toro Park, Salinas
We ran a depleted team because
of the PSAT.
10/23 (Thu) Crystal Springs #2
3:15 Crystal Springs
Another uneven performance.
(Thu) Lynbrook Invitational
3:30 Lynbrook
(also doubling as the FUHSD District XC Championships)
Overall, we had a good day in terms of the times,
but poor in terms of the placing. Excellent performances by our
guys. Peter Anthony 's time
was the all-time top frosh time. A number of folks made it onto
the all-time lists.
11/04 (Tue) DAL League Finals
2:00 Crystal Springs
I expected more from both the girls
and varsity boys...especially, the varsity boys. The JVB were
told that they were expected
to win and they did with a
impressive 1st place finish by Peter Chew.
11/15 (Sat) CCS Meet
10:00 Toro Park, Salinas
Disappointing performances from
End of
to success
for the future:
1. Decide what you what to be.
2. What are you willing to do to reach your potential.
3. Summer running. Lots of it.
4. Commitment.
5. Focus.
6. Be responsible.

Email Coach Armstrong
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