Cross Country at Cupertino High School  2014

Home of the Pioneers
Head Coach Paul Armstrong

Cross Country at Cupertino High School should be a place for five types 
of runners. First, we are looking for the runner who likes distance
running. Next, we are looking for the middle distance runner (400-miler
type) or hurdler who wants to run Cross Country in order to strengthen themselves
for the track season. Third, we want track runners and jumpers who need to
strengthen themselves for the track season. Fourth, we are looking for
winter and spring athletes who need competitive conditioning for their
sport. Soccer, basketball, and baseball players can benefit greatly from
participation in cross country. Fifth, we are always looking for the
smaller individual who has participated little in athletics before but
has the desire to do well. With strength and maturity, they can become an
excellent runner.

Cross Country is a sport where everyone runs from two to three miles
over hills and/or level ground depending upon the race. It is a sport where
you can improve greatly over a period of time. Most of the good distance
runners of the world today are over 25 years of age, whereas in swimming,
the swimmers of that age are generally long over the hill. One of the
greatest problems that a freshman has to face is the fear of running three
miles. As a senior, many runners think it is nothing to run 8 to 10 miles
at a time. In order to do that however, it takes a slow build up. That is
why it is important to run before the season starts in September so that
your legs and lungs will be in good shape.

Cross Country is a sport where everyone participates and there are
generally no cuts. It is also a sport where the small student has as good a
chance for success as does the larger runner. Cross Country is not an easy
sport and perhaps "desire and dedication" plays a greater role than in any
other sport; certainly size isn't important. We hope we can get more runners,
especially girls, out this year than in the past, as that has been our greatest
problem --- team depth.

Here are some notes, especially for freshman going out for Cross Country.
We normally practice every day including Friday at Cupertino HS. We are
forbidden to practice (coach and runners together) on Sundays, We do practice
on Saturdays when there isn't a meet. We generally use Sundays as a mandatory
rest day. We work on a varied schedule. One day hard and the next day easy, as
high school runners are too young physically to run hard too many days in a row.
Everyone needs a rest and a change of pace. Freshmen may be taking a PE class
in addition to their running. It is expected that you will get dressed and out to practice
quickly so that the entire team can practice together. The normal start time is 3:15PM.

Cross Country practice officially begins just before to the first day
of school with meets starting in early September. The season ends in November
with our league finals, unless the teams or individuals have qualified for the section
finals or beyond. In order to run Cross Country or participate in any sport at the high
school level, you must have a physical exam and medical insurance on record with
the school. Please see that this is completed early, before school starts. Once the
physical card and insurance card are taken care of, they are good for the entire
school year. It is very strongly suggested that the physical is done during the summer
to minimize problems.

Our mission is to have a competitive team, not just a participatory one.

More information can be found at the school's athletic web site: Tino Athletics
or at my web site:
Be sure to check out the Information page of the web site.

This page was last updated: 6/16/14
