2016 Cupertino High School Cross Country Schedule
                   last updated 5/16/16, 5/19/16
Date Day Meet (miles) Location Start Time SAT ACT
8/1/2016 Mon Physical forms are due to me CHS Track 8:00AM
8/5/2016 Fri Official Practice Starts CHS Track 9:00AM
8/15/2016 Mon First Day of School
9/1/2016 Thu Parent Meeting PE classroom 7:00PM
9/6/2016 Tue Lynbrook Center Meet (2.1) Lynbrook HS 3:40PM
9/10/2016 Sat EarlyBird Invitational (3.0) Toro  Park, Salinas 9:00AM 9/10/2016
9/10/2016 Sat R. L. Stevenson Relays (1.6) Stevenson HS, Pebble Beach 9:00AM
9/13/2016 Tue SCVAL #1 (2.1) Central Park 3:15PM ?
9/17/2016 Sat TBD
9/20/2016 Tue SCVAL #1 (2.1) Central Park 3:15PM ?
9/24/2017 Sat Ram Invitational (2.4) Westmoor HS, Daly City 9:00AM
9/27/2016 Tue SCVAL #1 (2.1) Central Park 3:15PM ?
10/1/2016 Sat Stanford Invitational (3.1) varsity only Stanford Golf Course B11:00AM/G11:30AM 10/1/2016
10/1/2016 Sat Artichoke Invitational (2.33) Half Moon Bay HS 1:00PM
10/4/2016 Tue SCVAL #2 (2.95) Crystal Springs, Belmont 3:15PM
10/8/2016 Sat Serra Invitational (2.95) Crystal Springs, Belmont 9:00AM
10/15/2016 Sat Monterey Bay  Invitational (3.0) Toro  Park, Salinas 10:00AM PSAT 10/15
10/18/2016 Tue SCVAL #3 (3.1) Baylands Park, Sunnyvale 3:15PM
10/19/2016 Wed Crystal Springs #1 (2.95) Crystal Springs, Belmont 3:15PM
10/27/2016 Thu Lynbrook Invitational (2.1) Lynbrook HS     3:15PM 10/22/2016
  & FUHSD District XC Championship
11/1/2016 Tue DAL League Finals (2.95) Crystal Springs, Belmont 2:00PM
11/12/2016 Sat CCS Meet (2.95) Toro  Park, Salinas B11:00AM/G11:30AM 11/5/2016
11/26/2016 Sat State Meet (3.1) Woodward Park, Fresno 10AM
12/3/2016 12/10/2016
Head Coach 1/21/2017 2/11/2017
Paul Armstrong 3/11/2017 4/8/2017
coacha@prodigy.net 5/6/2017 6/10/2017
408-691-3022 6/3/2017
NOTE: Some start times are estimates, see schedule updates/changes at TinoRunners.org
All meet conflicts MUST be discussed with Coach Armstrong PRIOR to 8/31/16

                                       2016 Season Notes   
1. All meets are required, except Monterey Bay (PSAT).           
2. All practices are required, including Saturdays (August & September).  Normal practice time is 3:15 to 6:15PM, Monday-Friday, Saturdays at 7AM.           
3. You must have a completed physical and insurance to practice during the season or tryout. Do not wait to get your physical done.           
4. You must have a proper pair of running shoes throughout the season.           
5. You must have warm-up pants.           
6. Schedule tests (SAT & ACT) around the meets.  The PSAT,as always, will be problematic.           
7. Tryouts begin August 5th and end August 20th.  Practice will be at 8AM during the week prior to the start of school . Anyone who wants to tryout           
     after that period or misses the majority of tryouts will have to run two time trials.  The standard will be boys: 1 mile <6:00 and 2 miles <13:00,           
     girls 1 mile <7:00 and 2 miles <15:00.           
8. There will be cuts if necessary.           
                                       2016 Summer Notes   
1. We will meet at Tino for most workouts, most Saturdays will be at Fremont Older.           
1a. You will need to complete a emergency card before you start. The form is on the school's web site.           
1b. Summer workouts are only for Tino students, except on a case-by-case basis.           
2. Summer practice will begin on Monday, June 13th until July 25th.  It is optional.           
2a. Practice sessions will be mixed: in the morning at 8AM, 7AM on Saturdays.  Some workouts may be at 6PM.           
2b. I expect to have sessions most days:  M,W, F road runs, T,T intervals, Sat long road runs or trail runs, and weight training during the week.           
2c. The minimum goal is 20 miles per week.  Expect to get up to at least 40 miles per week by the end of July.           
2d. During the summer practice period we are free to do conditioning as well as running skill specific work.            
3. Summer conditioning begins Tuesday, July 26th.  It is optional.           
3a. You will need to complete a emergency card before you start. The form is on the school's web site.           
3b. Summer conditioning is only for Tino students.           
3c. Conditioning sessions will be mixed: in the morning at 7:45AM, 7AM on Saturdays, and 6PM M-F until official practice/tryouts begin.           
3d. Conditioning will consist of running, weights, and exercises.            
4. Official practice and tryouts start on Friday, August 5th at 9AM at the track.           
4a. I will accept physical paperwork throughout the summer. The forms are on the school's web site.           
4b. Physicals will be due on Monday, August 1st.  They must be reviewed by the trainer and myself before they are accepted.            
4c. You can not tryout unless you have a completed all of the physical paperwork with errors or omissions corrected.           
5. Check the web site Sunday night for the schedule for the week.   TinoRunners.org           
6. If you did not run cross country last season, send me an email so I can add you to the email list.           
7. You do not have to workout with me, but you need to workout consistently in order to be prepared for the season.