Cupertino High School Cross Country 2024
Home of the Pioneers
Head Coach Paul Armstrong

Cross Country: Rules of the Road

1. Safety First - Cars bend, people break. Watch where you're running.  Don't make a mistake.  
     Try to stay on the sidewalk. You may take your cell phone for emergency use.

2. Obey all traffic rules and regulations.
    A. Cross only at signal lights or cross walks.
    B.You are sharing the sidewalk. Stay to the right, don't block the sidewalk, stop when needed.
    C. Stay to the side of the road.
    D. Run against traffic, whenever possible, when running in the street.
    E. Be alert at blind curves, intersections, and driveways.
    F. Yield to pedestrians, cyclists, and little kids.   
    G. Do not wear headphones or earbuds while running on the road or trail.

3. Animals - Dogs, cats, skunks, etc.
    A. Don't pet any of the above.
    B. If chased by a dog, stop running and yell "NO", walk away slowly while facing the animal.
    C. If attacked, climb a tree or car, kick, yell, scream.
    D. If bitten, report to a coach, parent or school immediately (remember location).

4. Pairs - Don't run alone.
    A. If bothered on the roads, don't stop, but continue to a safe area.
    B. If still followed stop at the nearest house and call a coach, the police or the school (get license number).
    C. Ladies especially should be alert.

5. Smarts
    A. Don't trespass on private property. Stay off  lawns, vegetation, etc.
    B. Don't annoy other people or their property.
    C. Don't run through any other school campus during school hours.

6. Ailments
    A. Report ALL injuries, no matter how small they may seem.
    B. If injured on the road, walk back to school or call the coach or a parent.

7. Weather
    A. Air quality alert - Limit running to morning or evening when possible.
    B. Storms - Use your judgment, and stay near the campus if you suspect heavy rain.     
    C. Lightning - Do not run.
    D. Darkness - Use extreme caution (reflective tape).

      8. Trail Running
          A. Take water with you for long runs if needed.
          B. Someone should always know where you will be running: where, which trail etc.
          C. You are sharing the trail, so act appropriately.  Stay to the right, don't block the trail, stop when needed.
          D. Yield to pedestrians, bicyclists, horses, and of course cars
          E.  Do not trail blaze.
          F.  Leave the flora and fauna alone.
          G.  Do not wear headphones or earbuds while running on trails.

       9.  Avoid confrntation with predtors.  Know the protocal for each situation.

       10. Do not confront any motorist or pedestrians verbally or visually.

      11. Take your cell phone with case of emergency.

    12. Wear a mask or have  it with  you, if needed.

Please read and obey these rules.
The life you save may be your own.
    Always stay alert!
This page was last updated: 9/4/24
 webpage by pla